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NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUIA ACADEMY OF MARIKINA shall be the epitome of ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE by providing quality education relevant to the changing needs of the society.




NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUIA ACADEMY OF MARIKINA shall provide quality education to prepare young children to be competitive in entering elementary education.



Putting up a school that will provide quality education at an affordable rate has been the lifelong dream of the indefatigable Mrs. Guia B. Urrutia, the School’s Directress. With the full support of her husband, the generous Mr. Philip C. Urrutia, and her children, NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUIA LEARNING CENTER was born. Being both educators, Sir Philip and Ma’am Ging, as both were affectionately called, they knew what they wanted for the school. As a devotee of the Virgin of Ermita Church, Nuestra Señora de Guia, Ma’am Ging deemed it fit to name her school the same.


With an initial enrollment of fourteen (14) pupils and a teacher, the school started operating for the SY 1999-2000. From there the school never looked back. Enrollment has grown from leaps and bounds and each year, the school adds another level. At present, the school   

offers the complete pre-elementary, elementary, and first year and second year high school levels.Committed to the delivery of quality education at affordable rates, the school continues improving the quality of instruction. Aside from the core competencies, the school also offers computer education for all levels to prepare the students for the digital age. In addition, the school has also put up a speech laboratory to hone the students in the mastery of the English language. Plans are also in place to further improve the school facilities within the next few years.With faith and inspiration from the Blessed Virgin Mary, NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUIA LEARNING CENTER looks forward to serving the community and the country for years to come. For this reason, the name of the school was changed to NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUIA ACADEMY OF MARIKINA this June, 2010.


NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUIA ACADEMY OF MARIKINA is a non-sectarian non-Catholic school primarily centered to the child’s total personality development with spiritual and ethical values in order to live up to the aspiration of our patron, NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUIA.


Inspired by the admonition of the Holy Bible: “To train up a child the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Prov. 22:6), the school emphasizes on the need for growth and the holistic development of the child. NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUIA ACADEMY OF MARIKINA considers the child as the centerpiece of its foundation and organization. Thus, it commits itself to providing the child with quality education in the service of humanity and God.

  • Lead the child to experience his/her relationship to our Lord and fully understand their role as Christians.

  • Help each pupil understand, appreciate, and enhance his/her relationship with the family.

  • Foster social consciousness by developing love of country through knowledge of its history, culture, ideals and needs, concern for the welfare and dignity of fellow citizens, and respect for the law and duly constituted authorities.

  • Equip each pupil positive attitude towards the learning process and to acquire the mastery of the basic communication, scientific and mathematical skills.

  • Enhance their talents and potentials by providing new venues for their discoveries and nurturance.

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